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Thompson Rivers University
Thompson Rivers University

Fire Drills

Fall 2024: Sept. 19 and 20

As part of TRU’s emergency preparedness program, evacuation/fire drills are held at the end of September. Please avoid scheduling exams, important meetings, presentations, events, etc. on these days to minimize disruption.

Remember, you must evacuate your building anytime you hear the alarm bells ringing—you never know when it may be the real thing—gather at the nearest identified assembly meeting point, and await further instructions.

Download the TRU SAFE app

Communication is essential during an emergency. When you download the TRU SAFE mobile app, you get timely, critical info in an emergency, as well as a host of safety, security and emergency tools and resources.

Emergency protocols

  1. Building alarm sounds.
  2. All students, faculty and staff must immediately halt their activities, shut down equipment, close doors if feasible, and evacuate their area in an efficient and safe manner.
  3. All students, faculty and staff are required to gather at the nearest identified Assembly Meeting Point and await further instructions.
  4. If any individuals are missing, please contact Security immediately at 250-828-5033, providing your Assembly Meeting Point number/location and the number of unaccounted individuals.
  5. If someone is physically unable to exit the building, please notify Security, when possible; your personal safety is first and foremost, assist if possible.
  6. Authorized staff will provide direction as to next steps once an investigation has ensued to identify current emergency status/path forward.

Drill instructions for faculty

During the first week of classes

For the safety of your students, please take a few minutes to review where to find your nearest—and alternative—assembly areas and areas of refuge, the nearest exit route from your classroom or lab, as well as alternative exit routes in case the path of exit is blocked.

This briefing is vital to ensure our students know important safety information. Thank you for your co-operation.

When fire alarms sound

Take your students as a group to the nearest assembly area per the emergency protocols above and await further instructions. Do your best to ensure everyone is accounted for. If someone is missing, immediately advise Security. This is part of TRU's emergency planning protocols.

Areas of refuge during an evacuation

Persons with mobility issues who cannot use stairs to evacuate the building can go to the nearest area of refuge. These are stairwells marked with the REFUGE sign and wheelchair symbol, and are engineered for fire resistance. Do not use elevators!

Security staff will report your refuge position to the incident commander, who will report your position to fire department personnel in a real emergency.

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