If you have a pledge number please use the form located here.

If you are a TRU employee wishing to make donations through payroll deduction, please use the form located here.

Area of greatest need

I would like to fund the most needed department, faculty, award, bursary, scholarship, or research.

Direct my donation

Direct my donation to a specific faculty, fund, scholarship, bursary, or award.

If you would like to make a recurring donation, as an employee, please use the following payroll deduction form located here.

Mailing address for tax receipt purposes.


Please note when making payment to enter the postal code associated with your payment method on the payment form to avoid issues, not your mailing address postal code.

If you need help / clarification using this form or, you'd like more information on where to direct your funds, please don't hesitate to contact us by phone at 250-828-5264 or by email at foundation@tru.ca.

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