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Thompson Rivers University
Thompson Rivers University

Internal Opportunities

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Internal Research Fund

Log in to your TRU Romeo account to view terms of references and application templates. If you do not have a Romeo Account, register for one here. To access the terms of references and application templates, go to the attachements tab for the research fund you are interested in.

Application deadline: Jan. 15, annually
Award amount: A minimum of $3,000 and a maximum of $5,000

A joint initiative of the Research and Graduate Studies office and the Office of the Provost and Vice-President Academic, this fund provides a maximum of $100,000 annually to support research with the principal aim of helping faculty become more competitive for external funding and scaffolding faculty development, especially in terms of tenure and promotion. Completion of an IRF project should significantly widen the applicant’s sphere of influence in terms of their research and scholarship. The IRF is a seed fund that is not intended to provide funding for major projects. Those accepting IRF funding are expected to apply for complementary or future external funding support.

Terms of Reference (Romeo)

Graduate Research Assistant Grants

Application deadline: Jan 20, annually
Award amount: $5,000 per student

The purpose of this pilot funding is to support faculty who are engaged in research, scholarship, and creative inquiry to hire a Graduate Research Assistant (GRA) to assist them in accelerating their research endeavours and provide GRA with a meaningful and equitable training opportunity.

Terms of Reference (Romeo)

Research Accelerate Grants

Application deadline: Feb. 1, annually
Award amount: Up to $3,000

Faculty who are actively engaged in developing Tri-Agency funding applications are encouraged to apply for this grant which is designed to support activities that will enhance grant proposals with expenditures directly related to the research. Activities may include completion of any preliminary work, literature review, student training, or any other appropriate activity that contributes to the development of the application.

Terms of Reference (Romeo)

Research Partnership Accelerate Grants

Application deadline: Feb. 1, annually
Award amount: Up to $7,500

These grants are designed to catalyze or accelerate the development of research partnerships and interdisciplinary collaborations to enhance Tri-Agency partnership and interdisciplinary grant applications. Those faculty who are actively engaged in fostering partnerships and collaborations with the outcome of developing applications for Tri-Agency funding competitions within the next 12 months are encouraged to apply.

Terms of Reference (Romeo)

SSHRC Exchange Grants

Application deadline: April 1, annually
Award amount: Up to $3,000

The goal of the SSHRC Exchange Grant is to support researchers in the flow and exchange of social sciences and humanities knowledge within and beyond academia to encourage dissemination of results and meaningful collaborations. These grants:

  • Support the organization of small-scale knowledge exchange, knowledge creation, knowledge mobilization activities, and knowledge synthesis. These activities should fall within the scope of eligible activities under SSHRC's Connection or Knowledge Synthesis programs.
  • Allow researchers to attend or present their research at scholarly conferences and other dissemination venues that align with SSHRC's mandate to advance their careers and encourage the exchange of ideas and research results at the national and international level

Terms of Reference (Romeo)

Research Training Recognition Fund

Application deadline for Fall and Winter release: May 10, annually
Award amount: Up to $7,900

The Research Training Recognition Fund (RTRF) reflects TRU’s ongoing commitment to student research training. Those regular faculty receiving or currently holding multi-year Tri-Agency research grants are eligible to receive a reallocation of workload (e.g., from 5 courses to 4 courses) to facilitate their direct involvement in the enhanced research training of undergraduate and graduate students. Those faculty applying for Tri-Agency grants are encouraged to consult with the Research Office about citing this fund as possible institutional support on their applications.

Eligible applications will be peer reviewed by an adjudication sub-committee of the Senate Research Committee to ensure that the request is consistent with the research training objectives outline in the Tri-Agency recommendations for Highly Qualified Personnel. Up to $7,900 may be made available to the division to cover sessional replacement expenses; the number of awards available each year is subject to available funding.

Eligibility Criteria: Must hold a multi-year Tri-Agency research grant (as Principal Investigator); must make a commitment to significant student research training.

Terms of Reference (Romeo)

Undergraduate Research Apprenticeship Fund

Application deadline: Sept. 15, annually
Award amount: $3,000/student

The Office of Research and Graduate Studies offers this program for faculty members who are engaged in research, scholarship and creative inquiry, allowing them to hire an Undergraduate Research Apprentice to assist them in accelerating their research endeavors and provide an apprentice with a meaningful training opportunity.  The application form will be available when the competition is open. All applications are initiated by the faculty member when they have identified a qualified student.

Terms of Reference (Romeo)

Canada Research Continuity Emergency Fund (CRCEF)-Stage 3

Deadline: Nov. 30, 2020 (CLOSED)

CRCEF is a federal government program to support research maintenance and ramp-up costs incurred due to COVID-19. TRU has been allocated nominal funding of $50,000 for Stage 3. Please submit your request by Nov. 30. TRU encourages applications from:

  • Early career researchers
  • Researchers belonging to equity-seeking groups

Terms of Reference (Romeo)

Interior Universities Coalition (IURC) BC Interior Region Seed Health Research Fund

Call for Proposals: Long-term health care issues

Application deadline: various
Award value: various

In collaboration with the IURC, the BC Ministry of Health has established this fund to encourage inter-institutional research in health-related areas between researchers at TRU, UNBC, and UBC-O. Proposals must involve two or more of the participating universities, and funding is available for one year.

Terms of Reference (Romeo)

Northcote and Brink Professorship

Application deadline: Watch for announcement fall 2025
Award amount: $30,000

The professorship is an internal award that may be held for up to three years at an annual value of $10,000. The professorship holder will be a full time tenured or tenure-track faculty member and awarded on a competitive basis. TRU is not obligated to award this professorship.

Terms of Reference (Romeo)

Archived Opportunities

Small Research Equipment Grants

Application deadline: Jan. 31,2024 one-time funding.
Award amount: Up to a maximum of $5,000

The purpose of these grants is to support the purchase, repair, or fabrication of low-cost research equipment required to support faculty research. One time funding.

Terms of Reference (Romeo)

Open Access Publishing Grants

Application deadline: March 1, 2024, One-time funding.
Award amount: Up to a maximum of $3,000

The purpose of these grants is to support TRU authors who wish to publish in peer-reviewed OA journals and who are required to pay an article processing fee. One time funding.

Terms of Reference (Romeo)

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