Mission, Vision, and Values Statement
Our mission is to develop and lead international activities to support TRU’s economic sustainability and provide TRU students, faculty, and staff with opportunities for global engagement – including opportunities for global learning, research, teaching, and professional development.
We are:
- A proactive and innovative unit connected to other units on campus to serve student learning and TRU’s vision statement
- A partner in the development of globally minded graduates
- A driving force for the global engagement of TRU communities
- A Social Enterprise recognized abroad and at home for positive impact in international education
We believe in:
- Student engagement and success
- Supporting excellence; high quality curricular and extra-curricular education; and career success.
- Global mindedness
- Knowledge of history, events, and global issues
- Capacity for intercultural communication, cultural self-awareness, flexibility, adaptability, and working with multiple perspectives
- Appreciation of diversity, empathy, openness, concern for the world, for the environment, and for social issues
- Recognizing potential
- The growth of individuals, entrepreneurial spirit, expertise and global/local community development
- Collaboration
- Inclusiveness, respect, honesty, transparency, trust, and openness
- Principles of Social Enterprise
- As an integral part of our revenue generating mandate – social, cultural, and/or environmental outcomes