Faculty of Arts

Field School Photos

Words from field school participants

Experiencing a culture so different from my own was fascinating but also difficult. Attempting to keep an open mind when brought to situations outside of my previous comfort zones allowed me to grow as a person but also as a global citizen. Sarah Bingham-Hall
The experience was once in a lifetime chance, and I will cherish my travels to Eastern Europe as long as I live. Kylie Carson

We only spent a few days with the Roma of Svinia, but this experience changed me, and I know friends were made for life. Nathaniel Goyet-Lamoureux
My experiences with the Roma firsthand have given me an understanding of the situation that would have been impossible in a classroom setting; something I am truly grateful for. Allister Grapes

No matter how many books one reads, movies one watches, or webpages one goes through, nothing can prepare a person for what is to be experienced. Kelcey Shinkewski
Spending time with the Roma has transformed how I now approach my studies, relationships, and choices, and even though it was hard, I am extremely glad I chose to travel all the way to Slovakia to meet, study, and learn from these amazing people. Annie Slizak