Bob Gaglardi School of Business and Economics

Learning Goals and Objectives

The BBA learning goals specify the intellectual and behavioural competencies that graduates should possess and that provide a foundation for their future professional and personal development and success. Learning goals are general statements, so a number of measurable learning objectives are also established for each goal.

Goal 1:  Inclusive Collaborative Partners
Learning Objective 1.1: Students demonstrate the ability to work inclusively in teams with a diverse membership.
Goal 2: Adaptable Contributors
Learning Objective 2.1: Students assess options and make recommendations for businesses operating in uncertain and complex environments.
Goal 3: Theory- and data-driven decision-makers
Learning Objective 3.1: Engage in critical thinking and incorporate appropriate theory and analysis to strengthen business decision-making.
Learning Objective 3.2: Apply quantitative analysis and analytical reasoning to predict, assess, model, refine, and forecast in order to inform
Learning Objective 3.3: Apply qualitative analytical approaches to explore and analyze phenomena to ensure valid knowledge creation and
interpretation to envision future possibilities and inform decision-making.
Learning Objective 3.4: Identity, assess, and synthesize legal requirements, codes of conduct, and ethical requirements to inform
Goal 4: Ethical and Holistic Problem-Solvers
Learning Objective 4.1: Effectively solve problems in a manner that promotes integrity, sustainability, and social responsibility.
Learning Objective 4.2: Develop solutions with recognition of inherent complexity and uncertainty.
Goal 5: Effective Communicators
Learning Objective 5.1: Create clear and compelling communication across contexts and platforms.


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