Sustainability in the Curriculum
Sustainability in the Curriculum Workshop and Fellowship
If you are interested in integrating sustainability into your curriculum or would like to strengthen the focus on sustainability that already exists in your course, then join CELT and the Office of Sustainability for this hands-on workshop, which is modeled on one created at Emory University and offered at many other institutions.
The workshop features guest speakers and activities to inspire participants to consider the big sustainability issues in their disciplines, and it also provides specific tools to create a new course outline or revise an existing one.
Slides from the May 2019 workshop are below:
- Welcome
- 2019 Competencies to Pedagogy
- Engaging Sustainability Issues
- Sustainability Learning Outcomes
All participants who attend the workshop and submit a revised course outline that reflects new engagement with sustainability will receive a Sustainability Fellowship. The title of Sustainability Fellow is accompanied by $500 for purchasing sustainability-related resources or to put towards attending a sustainability conference or workshop.
Instructions and the application form for the Fellowship are below:
- Instructions
- Application Form (Not available at this time)
Sustainability in the Curriculum Community of Practice
This community welcomes all faculty members who are committed to advancing sustainability issues within their courses—and within higher education and our community more broadly. The group’s participants will decide what we want to do and how we’ll do it. We may discuss readings, share our course innovations around sustainability issues, give informal presentations, consider various definitions of sustainability, or go on field trips together. Who knows? Join us and see what happens! Please reach out to us at for more details.