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Practicum Testimonials
Through this experience my perspectives about Global Health care has broadened. I have realized that even though healthcare professionals are working in developing countries they still meet their standards of practice of care to the best of their ability. My perspectives have broadened also in that I realize that the ways I have learned my nursing may not always be the only way to do it.
I now feel confident knowing that I was able to work in an environment that was foreign to me and face challenges in comfort levels and communication.
I have become quite interested in pursuing more international nursing research or events.
I now feel that I have a much deeper level of understanding of health care outside Canada and this knowledge that I have gained will be a benefit to my future practice because I will be able to reflect on my experiences.
I also have gained a sensibility and logic to the role of nurses and our scope of practice.
I am more sensitive to people's health choices and why.
More open, curious and appreciate the importance of cultural competence in practice and care planning.
It was interesting to learn how other cultures incorporate health care in both a contemporary western approach while combining it with their own traditional healing modalities. I feel the country I visited balanced both well and I think we could learn a lot from the Samoan people in terms of how they incorporate both approaches into their health care practices and treatments. We could use this knowledge to empower and work along with Indigenous people to incorporate more traditional healing into their health care needs.
I know how to better address people from other cultures. I understand the importance of including their practices and beliefs into their health and healing. I am more aware of and further understand the challenges people from other cultures may face when accessing healthcare.
That I'm able to step back and figure out why my clients are making the choices they are in regards to their health. That it may be more culturally related than personal choice.
By experiencing this culture, I have changed in the way I look at the world. I have been exposed to so many different experiences on this trip. I have a greater understanding of the Canadian culture. I now look at why we do certain things and understand “the iceberg” or know that there is one.
The questions and the ethical issues that we dealt with in Samoa were not provided in a textbook or lecture in our world.
It enabled me to be more conscious of how I give my care and it can be interpreted with different cultures.
I feel I like I could be put in any situation now and I would have confidence and experience to be able to do it.
It's an amazing experience to see how health care is impacted by culture and beliefs that are different then your own values and beliefs.
It is an empowering opportunity for nursing students.
It was an amazing experience and I learned so much! It was an opportunity to be immersed in a different culture and use my nursing skills with supportive instructors.