Terms of Reference
- Advise Senate on policies, procedures, priorities and criteria for student awards and honours.
- In accordance with the Honorary Degrees Policy, evaluate nominees for honorary degrees and recommend candidates to Senate.
- In accordance with the Emeritus/Emerita Designation Policy, evaluate nominees for honorary title of Professor Emeritus/Educator Emeritus and recommend candidates to the President’s Office.
- Evaluate student candidates for medals and select awards and make recommendations to Senate.
- Through Senate, recommend to the TRU Foundation, awards priorities which are in the best interest of the institution.
- Recommend to Senate revisions to TRU entrance scholarship policy and regulations.
- Advise the Director, Student Awards & Financial Aid on matters of policy and procedure relating to institutional student loans, fee deferrals and need-based awards.
- Chair: A member of the Committee elected by the Committee for a two year term. No person shall serve more than two consecutive terms as Chair.
- Three faculty members (which may include one Open Learning faculty member) appointed by Senate (at least one has to be a Senator and one must be tenure / tenure track)
- Two deans appointed by Senate
- Director, Student Awards & Financial Aid
- Two students nominated by TRUSU and appointed by the Senate Steering Committee (one should be upper level or a graduate student)
- One representative from the TRU Alumni appointed by the Alumni Department
- Student Awards Representative (ex-officio, non-voting)
- Vice-President, Advancement (ex-officio, non-voting)