Terms of Reference
The Environmental Sustainability Advisory Committee (ESAC) is dedicated to providing evidence based advice with regard to environmental l sustainability policies and practices that foster a sustainable future and lead to health and economic benefits for the University community. The ESAC will act to promote dialogue and discussion on issues related to the environment and sustainability. The ESAC is also committed to fostering environmental literacy, sustainable development, and environmental responsibility at Thompson Rivers University that can serve as a model for others.
- To advise the Board of Governors and Senate regarding the development, operation, and continuous evaluation of sustainability-related policy at TRU, including the current TRU Strategic Sustainability Plan.
- To investigate environmental sustainability- related issues of concern at TRU and make recommendations to Administration, the Board of Governors and Senate within their respective areas of responsibility.
- To communicate and collaborate with the Office of Sustainability on environmental sustainability issues.
- In consulatation with the Mission Fulfilment Executive Subcommittee, advise Senate and report on mission fulfillment in relation to the core theme of enviornmental sustainability.
Chair and vice-chair
Voting members of the Committee, nominated by the committee and elected at the first meeting of the academic year, to serve a one year term.
Voting Members
- Three members‐at‐large appointed by the Board of Governors (who need not be Board members)
- Five faculty members, and two staff* representatives appointed by Senate (who need not be senate members)
- Director of Facilities or designate
- Ancillary Services Director or designate
- One Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee representative appointed by the Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee
- Two students appointed by TRU Student Union
- General Counsel or designate
- Director of Sustainability
- Deans Council representative
- Director of Aboriginal Affairs or designate
* “staff” includes all employees of TRU other than faculty.
Non-voting members
- Representative, Office of Quality Assurance
Terms of office
Appointed members other than students will serve a three year term, which can be renewed by the constituency that appointed them. Students are appointed for a 1 year term which can be renewed by the constituency that appointed them.
Meetings, agendas, records and reporting
- Meeting dates and times will be agreed upon by the Committee.
- The Chair will be responsible for ensuring that meeting agendas are sent out to all members at least one week prior to the meeting date.
- Minutes will be recorded during all meetings and will be sent to all the committee members before the next meeting.
- Meetings will be open to the public.
- Report to the Board of Governors and Senate as needed.
Administrative support
- Office of the Director, TRU Sustainability
Definition of sustainability
“Sustainability is based on a simple principle: Everything that we need for our survival and well-being depends, either directly or indirectly, on our natural environment. Sustainability creates and maintains the conditions under which humans and nature can exist in productive harmony that permit fulfilling the social, economic and other requirements of present and future generations.” — United States Environmental Protection Agency