Terms of Reference
The University Tenure and Promotion Committee is a standing committee of Senate and serves two important roles. In addition to its responsibilities as an advisory body to Senate on all policy and program matters related to faculty standards and credentials, it also serves as the University Tenure and Promotion Committee as defined in the Collective Agreement between TRU and TRUFA.
Advise Senate on policy and program issues related to faculty standards and credentials including:
- recommending university-wide criteria for departmental and divisional standards documents and reviewing standards every five years;
- recommending departmental and divisional standards documents to Senate for approval;
- assisting departments and Divisions/Faculties/Schools in developing and revising standards documents;
- reviewing and, if appropriate, further refining tenure and promotion criteria in accordance with the Collective Agreement;
- perform other duties as assigned by Senate;
- assisting faculty members in understanding and preparing for tenure and promotion through workshops and other suitable venues
Serve as the University Tenure and Promotion Committee as defined by the Collective Agreement between TRU and TRUFA including:
- coordinating the adjudication of tenure and promotion cases with the Division, Faculty or School tenure and promotion committees;
- assessing tenure and promotion applications in accordance with the provisions of the Collective Agreement;
- recommending the granting or denial of tenure or promotion to the President;
- reviewing the provisions of the Collective Agreement with respect to procedures and timelines of the tenure and promotion process, and, if necessary, recommending procedural adjustments to the TRU/TRUFA Consultative Group for consideration and possible inclusion in the Collective Agreement;
- providing an annual report on tenure and promotion decisions as outlined in the Collective Agreement.
Provost and Vice-President Academic and Research (or designate)
Voting members
- Associate Vice-President, Research and Graduate Studies
- Two Deans, appointed by the Provost and Vice-President Academic and Research
- Dean of the applicant’s Faculty, School or Division (added to the committee as needed)
- One tenured member from each Division/Faculty/School to be elected for a two-year term, half of whom are Professors/Teaching Professors
Non-voting member
One TRUFA Observer