Frequently Asked Questions

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 Can I take this program online?

The ELEM program is only available for in-person on-campus studies at the TRU campus in Kamloops, B.C.

 How do I know whether I am registered in the required courses needed to complete the BEd Elementary (ELEM) program?

Admitted ELEM program students are provided with a list of the course registration numbers (CRN) so that they can self-register in the correct courses and sections for the fall and winter semesters of Year One.

For Year Two students who have successfully completed all academic prerequisites and Year One courses and practica, they will be provided with a list of the course registration numbers (CRN) so that they can self-register in the correct courses and sections for the fall and winter semesters of Year Two.

 Can I register for additional courses while I am in the ELEM program?

The ELEM program is an intensive, full-time program. Therefore, students are not able to add additional courses to their prescribed course load in any term of the program without providing details as to why it is necessary to add an additional course and only after receiving written permission from the School of Education's Dean.

 Expectations about classes: Am I required to attend all classes?

Students in the ELEM Program are expected to attend all classes. If you must miss a class, you are required notify to your instructor as soon as possible. In the event that you are absent for more than four days, you must immediately notify the ELEM Program Coordinator. If you are unable to complete assignments by the deadline required or are absent from examinations due to unforeseen illness, you must provide official medical documentation from your physician supporting the reason for your absence. This official documentation must be submitted to the ELEM Program Coordinator as soon as possible. If you are absent during a practicum, you need to notify your Teacher, Faculty Mentors, and the ELEM Practicum Coordinator immediately.

 Do I need to complete course work in one term before proceeding to the next?

The expectation of the ELEM program is that you have to pass all courses and practica prescribed for each term before proceeding to the next.

 What happens if I do not demonstrate an acceptable standard of written English after I am admitted to the program?

All students in the TRU BEd Program are expected to demonstrate high standards in all aspects of written and spoken English.

A candidate for admission to the program may be asked to take a test of competence in written English prior to admission or at any time during the program. A student unable to pass the test will be asked to undertake remedial work in written English. At any time during program studies, if it becomes evident that the standard of written English is unsatisfactory, a student may be asked to take a written test determined by the program faculty and undertake remedial work in written English. Any additional cost incurred to complete this remedial work with be borne by the student.

 What happens if I do not demonstrate competence in oral English?

All students in the TRU BEd Program are expected to demonstrate high standards in all aspects of written and spoken English.

A candidate for admission to the program may be asked to take a test of competence in oral English prior to admission or at any time during the program. A student unable to pass the test will be asked to undertake remedial work in spoken English. At any time during program studies, if it becomes evident that the standard of spoken English is unsatisfactory, a student may be asked to take an oral test determined by the program faculty and undertake remedial work in spoken English. The additional cost of this remedial work with be borne by the student.

 How long do I have to complete the program?

The Bachelor of Education program must be completed in its entirety within a four-year period. Students who do not complete the program within this time limit would be required to submit a new application. If they are readmitted, they will not receive credit for courses completed previously.

 Am I expected to be responsible for students with special needs?

If you are working with a teacher who has instructional responsibilities for students with special needs, you will be expected to assume similar responsibilities. Exceptions may be made in cases where students are severely disabled.

 How is the Bachelor of Education degree awarded?

After all final grades have been entered into your student record for the final term of the program, an academic audit is completed to ensure all program graduation requirements have been met. A Graduation List of all students who have successfully completed the requirements of the BEd program is sent to the Dean of the School of Education for approval and then forwarded to the TRU Registrar's Office so that the Bachelor of Education degree can be awarded and entered onto your official transcripts. It is the responsibility of the student to apply to graduate.

 How do I obtain my professional teaching certificate?

During the final semester of your Year Two studies, an Evaluator from the Teacher Regulation Branch will visit TRU to explain the process and to hand out an application package to each student. It is the student's responsibility to complete and forward the application for certification to the Teacher Regulation Branch. Additionally, supporting documents needed by the Teacher Qualification Service (TQS) for the evaluation of standing (including pay category) must be provided by the graduating student. Teacher Qualification Service regulations including teacher pay category information can be found on their website at Teacher salary information can be found on the BC Teachers' Federation website at

 Who has access to my records?

All information on file in your student record is considered confidential. Only when a student appeals a decision concerning her or his practicum experiences, are documents on file that would be relevant to a committee's consideration of the appeal copied and provided to those directly involved in the appeal (e.g., the student, appeal committee members, witnesses, affected faculty). Once the appeal procedures have concluded, those copies are collected and destroyed. You may request copies of any information in your file. Reference reports submitted to support your application for admission are released only after they are reviewed to determine that no third party's right to privacy is violated. Student records are not forwarded to potential employers. Students are expected to retain their own copies of practicum reports for the purpose of preparing applications for teaching positions.

 How long are my records kept on file?
Upon completion of the BEd program, student records are retained in accordance with the TRU Record Retention Policy. It is the student's responsibility to retain copies of their practicum evaluations.

Practicum questions

 Where will I be placed for the extended practicum?

Practicum placement locations are assigned by a lottery system.

Approximately half of our Teacher Candidates are placed in the Kamloops/Thompson School District (#73) for the EDPR 4100 and 4200 practica, and the remaining Teacher Candidates are placed in neighbouring districts, namely Cariboo-Chilcotin (SD#27), Gold Trail (SD#74), Nicola Similkameen (SD#58), and North Okanagan-Shuswap (SD#83).

Although we attempt to place Teacher Candidates in their preferred areas, please note that you must be prepared to accept a practicum school placement wherever one is available within these regions indicated, and you are responsible for the costs of transportation and accommodation during each of your practicum placesments.

 What if I have special circumstances that need to be considered in my practicum placement?

If you have special circumstances such as a disability, a serious medical condition, are a single parent or have a child under five years of age, please provide relevant details in writing to the Practicum Coordinator on the "Special Circumstances" form. These circumstances will be reviewed by the Practicum Coordinator, the Program Coordinator and the Dean and taken into consideration where possible when placement locations are being assigned.

Please be advised that students are responsible for all costs incurred during each of their practicum placements and financial concerns cannot be considered as special circumstances.

 What happens if I am absent during the extended practicum?

Teacher Candidates should understand that attendance during the extended practicum and during course work is of paramount importance.

In the event of illness, you should phone your Faculty Mentor and your Teacher Mentor as soon as possible about your absence. Please remember that if you are away for more than four days you need to provide written medical documentation from your physician. If you are absent for four or more days of practicum, you may be expected to make up for the lost time by extending your practicum for a corresponding period of time up to a maximum of two weeks.

However, there may be times when circumstances might require you to be absent. If your request is for more than one day of absence from your practicum, you must seek approval in advance from the Practicum Coordinator and make arrangements to make up the missing time. If you need to be absent at any time from practicum, you must submit a written request to your Faculty Mentor and the Practicum Coordinator. An objection to your absence from your Teacher Mentor, Faculty Mentor, or the school administration will likely result in your request being denied.

A failing grade for the extended practicum is normally issued to a Teacher Candidate whose absences total nine teaching days. However, if such absences during the extended practicum are due to illness, the Practicum Coordinator may choose to divide the thirteen-week practicum into two parts provided the student is ready to resume and able to participate in an 80% practicum load early on in the second half.

 What happens if I am absent for a seminar?

Seminars are considered to be an integral part of EDPR 4200, the extended practicum. Any absence is therefore taken seriously and must be approached in the same manner as an absence during a practicum. Students must notify their Faculty Mentor in advance if they are ill and unable to attend a seminar. Special requests to be absent from a seminar session must be submitted in advance to the Practicum Coordinator. An objection to your absence from your Teacher Mentor, Faculty Mentor, or the school administration will likely result in your request being denied.

 Am I required to complete course assignments during my practica?

As a Teacher Candidate, your attention should be devoted fully to the responsibilities determined by your Teacher and Faculty Mentors during the two-week practicum (EDPR 3200), the three-week practicum (EDPR 4100) and the extended practicum (EDPR 4200). Instructors in courses other than these three practica generally do not ask teacher candidates to undertake assignments or research during any of these school practicum weeks. However, if special make-up assignments are required of you, these must be submitted by the deadlines prescribed even when you are participating in your practicum.

 Am I able to participate in part-time employment during the practica?

Employment should not interfere with any practica. In order to give full attention to your practice teaching, it is strongly recommended that you do not work at an outside job during the practica. Please note that employment will not be taken into account when making arrangements for any of your practicum placements, nor will it be given consideration in terms of workload, expectations and responsibilities during the practicum.

 Am I able to be a teacher-on-call during the extended practicum?

As a Teacher Candidate, you may not be a teacher-on-call (substitute teacher), nor can you accept payment for your work in the school. In the event that your Teacher Mentor is absent, a teacher-on-call or an appropriate replacement, appointed by the principal, will assume responsibility for the students in the classroom to which you have been assigned.

 Am I expected to teach ESL during the extended practicum?

If you are working with a teacher who has some responsibility for instructing students for whom English is a second language, it is expected that you will assume similar responsibilities. Since you are enrolled in an elementary program, it is expected that you will teach all subjects in the elementary curriculum, including instruction to ESL students.

 Am I able to arrange job interviews during the practicum or during class time?

You will not be granted permission to be absent during the practicum or during class time in order to attend a job interview. Such interviews should be scheduled for weekends or during after school hours.

 What if a labour dispute occurs during the practicum?

In the event of a labour dispute which affects the staff of the school in which you are placed for your practicum, you should not undertake any instructional, extracurricular activities, or other duties not performed by your Teacher Mentor, nor should you become involved in any other labour dispute between the school districts, teachers' associations, or support staff.

 Am I able to appeal a decision made about my progress in courses or in practica?

If you wish to appeal a decision made about your progress in the program you may do so. Appeals regarding academic decisions in courses should go first to the instructor, then to the Program Coordinator, and then to the Chair of the School of Education. If the appeal remains unresolved, a student has the option to undertake a formal appeal through the Office of Student Affairs. For more information, please see the Appeal Section in the BEd Student Handbook and in the TRU Calendar.