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> TRU Home > Faculty of Education and Social Work > Research > Indigenizing Higher Education > Decolonization, Reconciliation & Indigenization Committee
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Decolonization, Reconciliation & Indigenization Committee
Faculty, Staff, Students and Community Members–Everyone Welcome
The TRUFA Executive has established an Ad Hoc Decolonization, Reconciliation, & Indigenization Committee (DR&I). The Committee is meant to inform the work of the provincial Federation of Post-Secondary Educators Decolonization, Reconciliation and Indigenization Committee.
Download the Manual for Decolonization: Whose Land is it Anyway?Download the Academic Freedom, Collegiality, Indigenization & Essentialism: Annotated Bibliography
Co-Chaired by TRU Associate Professors:
Shelly Johnson/Mukwa Musayett (Education)
Lisa Bourque-Bearskin (Nursing)
*TRUFA has voted to make the Decolonization, Reconciliation, & Indigenization Committee (DR&I) a standing committee.
Meeting Schedule
Next Meeting:
Friday September 28
1:30-3:00 PM
Aboriginal Research Offices, HOL 150
DRI Committee Meeting Minutes: April 2018