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Security in Emerging Wireless Networks
Wireless sensor networks, body area networks, wireless ad hoc networks, radio frequency identification networks, near field communication networks, etc.
In recent years there has been explosive growth in the use of wireless networks for the Internet and local network access. This includes varieties of wireless connectivity, including infrared, cellular, WiFi, Bluetooth, 3G+, RFID, Wireless Sensor Networks, Near Filed Communication and WiMAX. These emerging wireless networks dramatically enhance the usefulness of small Internet-capable devices and services they provide. Security plays a crucial role in practically deploying such a network.
1. Investigation of vulnerabilities and mutual authentication protocols for RFID networks
In this project we investigate a variety of security vulnerabilities and existing solutions to mitigate those vulnerabilities and propose a new mutual authentication protocol suitable for RFID systems.
2. Developing a secure communication layer for Wireless Sensor Networks
In this project we develop a secure communication channel for WSNs on TinyOS platform using nesC. This secure layer will help applications to establish a secure conduit between communicating parties.
3. Cloud based application development for the “Climate Change Showdown” contest
The "Climate Change Showdown” is a contest for school kids to make them aware of the environmental impact. The program is run by the B.C. Sustainable Energy Association partnering with the City of Kamloops. In this project, we are helping them with a cloud-based software solution for managing the contest and sophisticated calculations involved in the process.
Research webpageGroup Coordinator: Dr. Musfiq Rahman
Phone: 250-371-5957