TRU Science

Physics Faculty

Department chair

Dr. Mark PaetkauCo-Chair and Associate Teaching Professor
Dr. Mark PaetkauCo-Chair and Associate Teaching Professor

I am interested in all research topics where physics meets other disciplines.


Dr. Abedin AbedinLab Coordinator
Dr. Abedin AbedinLab Coordinator

My research is primarily focused on understanding how planetary systems form and evolve, in particular the solar system. That involves investigation of the dynamical evolution and collisional history of planets and small solar system bodies (comets, asteroids and meteoroids)...

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Dr. Mateus FandinoAssistant Teaching Professor
Dr. Robin KleivAssistant Teaching Professor
Dr. Robin KleivAssistant Teaching Professor

Describe your areas of expertise: I am a theoretical particle physicist working on hadronic physics. I am currently working on research projects related to exotic hadrons (e.g., hadrons that are neither mesons nor baryons) and on hadronic contributions to...

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Colin TaylorAssistant Teaching Professor
Dr. Anusha VenkataramanAssistant Teaching Professor

My educational and professional background encompasses expertise in semiconductor devices, fabrication, molecular integrated circuit design, computational modelling of quantum-molecular electronic devices and related materials used in engineering nanoelectronic devices.

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University instructors and sessionals

Justin MuffordSessional Faculty
Raza R-RahamanSessional Faculty
Libeiro TerenceSessional Faculty