TRU Science

Natural Resource Science Faculty

Department chair


Peggy-Jo BroadAssistant Teaching Professor
Dr. Mike FlanniganBC Innovation Research Chair in Predictive Services, Emergency Management and Fire Science
Dr. Mike FlanniganBC Innovation Research Chair in Predictive Services, Emergency Management and Fire Science

Impacts of climate change on wildfires. Build an early warning system to manage wildfires

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Dr. Lauchlan FraserNSERC Industrial Research Chair in Ecosystem Reclamation and Professor
Dr. Lauchlan FraserNSERC Industrial Research Chair in Ecosystem Reclamation and Professor

Research in the Fraser lab is focused on ecological restoration, biodiversity and climate change.

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Dr. Wendy GardnerProfessor
Dr. Jill HarveyCanada Research Chair in Fire Ecology
Dr. Brian HeiseAssociate Professor

I am an aquatic ecologist who studies the effects of land use practices and invasive species on freshwater invertebrates and fish. I teach Limnology, Ichthyology, Fisheries Management, and Ecosystem Reclamation (with Wendy Gardner). I am also the Past Chair...

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Dr. John KarakatsoulisAssociate Teaching Professor and Program Advisor
Dr. Karl LarsenProfessor

Ecology, conservation and management of wildlife. My students and I conduct research aimed at finding ways to maintain wildlife populations in the face of human development.

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Dr. Courtney MasonCanada Research Chair, Professor

I currently work in the following areas: 1) food security; 2) Indigenous health and education; 3) parks and protected areas; 4) tourism development; 5) physical activity and sport for youth; 6) Western Canadian history

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Jess OwensAssistant Professor
Jacqueline SorensenAssistant Teaching Professor
Sheri WatsonAssistant Teaching Professor
Gillian Watt (WL)Assistant Teaching Professor

University instructors and sessionals

Andrea BarnettSessional Faculty
Matthew CoghillSessional Faculty
Kristi GordonSessional Faculty
Douglas LewisSessional Faculty
Theresa McMurchySessional Faculty
Douglas RansomeSessional Faculty
Karen RavenSessional Faculty
Catherine TarasoffSessional Faculty