Practicum Student Interest Form

Thank you very much for your interest in the future success of Veterinary Technologists and for taking the time to fill out this clinical-highlights form. The information you provide will help guide students to a practicum location that appeals to their individual interests and will aid in their decision-making process. Practicum placement is ultimately the students' choice.

We will refresh this database every academic year in June to ensure the information is current for each cohort of students. If you would like a practicum student, a new submission should be offered each year. You do not need to fill out this form to have a practicum student; it is intended as a tool to get exposure for your clinic to the Veterinary Technology students. Filling out this form does not guarantee that you will be matched with a practicum student. The information you provide is confidential and will not be shared outside of our Veterinary Technology program.

Contact information

Practice/Clinic information

Practicum information