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Derrick Hosanna
B. Comm (Hons) (Lakehead), JD (Alberta)
Derrick Hosanna has an extensive background in tax planning, corporate and commercial transactions, estate planning, and tax dispute resolution. After earning his Juris Doctor from the University of Alberta in 2013, Derrick articled at a firm specializing in tax law. Since his call to the Alberta Bar in 2014, Derrick’s practice has focused nearly exclusively on corporate and commercial, tax, and estates law, and he has developed a wealth of knowledge and expertise in these areas. Derrick also has a strong background in negotiation and dispute resolution and has represented clients to the Canada Revenue Agency and Department of Justice.
Derrick has continuously taken advantage of opportunities to grow and develop in his area of expertise: he has completed the In-Depth Tax course and the In-Depth International Tax course through the Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada, and the Taxation of Canadian Oil and Gas Companies course through the University of Calgary. Derrick is also a regular contributor to continuing legal education initiatives for lawyers. He has authored several articles for tax and corporate law publications and has presented at numerous conferences for accountants and legal professionals.
Derrick will be teaching Corporate Tax for TRU Law in the winter 2023 semester.